Award-winning, student-run, weekly campus newspaper of the University of Illinois, Springfield

The Observer

Award-winning, student-run, weekly campus newspaper of the University of Illinois, Springfield

The Observer

Award-winning, student-run, weekly campus newspaper of the University of Illinois, Springfield

The Observer


A Review of TFT: Glitched Out!
TFT’s newest set, Glitched Out! | Photo credit:

Teamfight Tactics, also known as TFT, is a video game published by Riot Games in which you recruit champions to fight for you against other players and compete for first place. The video game is based on and is very similar to League of Legends, a video game also published by Riot Games. On Wednesday, March 22, a new patch of the game was released called “TFT: Glitched Out.” Glitched Out is TFT’s set 8.5. A new set is released every couple of months with new champions to play with, new traits to discover, and other surprises. As 8.5 is a half-set, it is very similar to the previous set, 8.0, but I have found that there are enough differences in the new update to make the game enjoyable and interesting to play. TFT has been one of my favorite games for a long time, and this exciting new set has just confirmed how much I love this game.

The update has added four different traits: InfiniTeam, Quickdraw, Riftwalker, and Parallel. InfiniTeam opens a portal that spawns a champion from another timeline with reduced health and damage. Quickdraw units fire an extra shot after two shots that does bonus damage. Riftwalker spawns the champion Zac by creating a time gap, and he gains the last trait of the champion nearest to him. Parallel is a trait unique to Ezreal and Ultimate Ezreal, where Ezreal gains Ultimate Ezreal’s ability.

In addition to creating new traits, this set has also taken some champions away and replaced them with new ones. Talon, Galio, Yummi, Vel’koz, Zoe, Senna, Cho’Gath, Sejuani, Zac, Taliyah, Zed, Soraka, Sett, and Aphelios have all been removed. The new champions are Pantheon, Lucian, Pyke, Morgana, Shen, Gnar, Vex, Jhin, Neeko, Warwick, Aatrox, Garen, Twisted Fate, and Ultimate Ezreal.

Another new update to this set is to the Carousel, a round during TFT where you wait until your turn to pick a champion and item out of the available pool. Your place in the carousel is determined by how much HP your tactician has. This new set brings glitched-out carousels that can contain defensive and offensive items such as loaded dice and training dice, champion duplicators, component anvils, completed item anvils, Ornn item anvils, and tomes of traits.

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So far, out of the new traits, I’ve found InfiniTeam to be the most fun. The portals that open up allow you to spawn another champion with ideal items on them, which can be very powerful, especially with InfiniTeam 5 or 7. The trait has very good carries, and the lower-cost units like Lucian and Sivir can be used in the early game as carries, then later game, Twisted Fate and Ultimate Ezreal work really well. InfiniTeam also works well with the trait Parallel. By placing both Ezreal and Ultimate Ezreal on your board, they both use Ultimate Ezreal’s ability.

My only complaint about the set so far is that the new traits (InfiniTeam, Quickdraw, Riftwalker, and Parallel) are heavily contested, meaning it’s hard to play these traits without a lot of competition for units. New traits are always heavily contested early in new sets, so hopefully, as the newness of the new traits dies down, it will be easier and less contested to play with these new traits.

Overall, I am extremely impressed with the quality of the set and all of the champions and traits, and I can’t wait to play more!

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