Star party attendee looking through the 12-inch telescope – pointed at Messier 13, a star cluster in the constellation of Hercules. Photo Credit: Regina Ivy
On the night of Friday, September 30th, the UIS Observatory held its 4th Star Party of the semester. In the night sky, that night was Jupiter, Saturn, and a waxing crescent moon. The observatory will continue holding Star Parties throughout October. Learn more about them here:
What was happening in the sky on the night of September 30th, 2022. Photo Credit: Regina IvyRetro planet posters on the UIS Observatory stairwell. Photo Credit: Regina IvyPhotos of the moon on the UIS Observatory stairwell. Photo Credit: Regina IvyUIS Astronomy student adjusting the 10-inch telescope. At this moment, it is pointed at Saturn. Photo Credit: Regina IvyPhoto of the moon the UIS Observatory stairwell. Photo Credit: Regina IvyMars photos and other planet posters on the UIS Observatory stairwell. Photo Credit: Regina IvyStar party attendees looking through the 12-inch telescopes – the telescope will automatically map the sky to find the specific object you’re looking for. It was donated to the college and cost roughly $10,000. Photo Credit: Regina IvyStar party attendee looking through the 12-inch telescope – pointed at Messier 13, a star cluster in the constellation of Hercules. Photo Credit: Regina IvyUIS Astronomy student adjusting the 10-inch telescope. On this particular night, it is pointed at Saturn. Photo Credit: Regina IvyStar party attendee looking through the 12-inch telescope – pointed at Messier 13, a star cluster in the constellation of Hercules. Photo Credit: Regina IvyWhy the red lights? Red is one color that allows people to see while not interfering with the night sky view. Photo Credit: Regina IvyStar party attendee looking through the 12-inch telescope – pointed at Messier 13, a star cluster in the constellation of Hercules. Photo Credit: Regina Ivy