The Dos and Dont’s: Finals Week

The Dos and Dont's: Finals Week

It is finally time to wrap up the semester and enjoy summer break, but hold up -do not forget finals. I mean, there is no way you can jump into summer without finishing all of those many papers, assignments, and presentations first. So, it is probably a good idea to review a few tips to survive finals week.

Do not wait until the last minute by procrastinating. Do not start a new Netflix series. Do not pull all-nighters, and do not ignore these warnings. If you have large projects to complete, get a head start on them. It can be strenuous to fit allotted time into your schedule, but it could be a lifesaver. If you manage the time spent on your assignments, you’re more likely to get better grades. So do not wait until the day before to start.

The semester is almost at its end, so it is exciting, and you may feel like you have more time than you do. It is easy to get distracted. Distance yourself from social media platforms to avoid the summer longing and craze. You might be so distracted by the thought of freedom that you forget that there are still things to do. This also applies to Netflix or Hulu shows. It is great that there are some new additions, but now is not the time. Do not start something that you cannot finish. Before you get caught into the allure of binge-watching, finish your assignments. Then you will have three months to catch up on all of your shows.

All-nighters are a no-go. Sure, you want to stay up to finish your assignments. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but an all-nighter would not be necessary if you managed your time better. According to Clete A. Kushida, MD, Ph.D., associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University Medical Center, “[t]here are data that sleep loss leads to learning and memory impairment, as well as decreased attention and vigilance.” So, cramming the night before is not a good idea.

Getting down to the facts, we all know what not to do. However, we all continue to make the same mistakes. So this semester, challenge yourself to do better.

Make time to study and complete your assignments. Use your calendar to put time aside and tell your friends that you are unavailable. If you need help, make an appointment at the Learning Hub ahead of time or drop by during walk-in hours at the Union. Talk to your professor and peers to clarify information from your courses. Do your best to get at least seven hours of undisturbed rest each night.

Balancing out your time well goes a long way towards surviving the week. It is easy to do the wrong things during finals week, but we all have a pretty good idea about what needs to be done. Your biggest enemy is finding the time and energy to finish this week strongly and begin your summer on a positive note.