Campus Climate Survey


Photograph courtesy of Photo by UIS Student Affairs

It is ubiquitously known on campus that the administrators of the University of Illinois Springfield list diversity as one of their top priorities. On Monday, April 22, Chancellor Koch emailed students and employees inviting them to participate in a confidential survey about the “climate” on campus, referring to tolerance and inclusivity for all.

Conducted by the Survey Research Office, the survey is roughly 20 minutes long and inquires about the various levels of satisfaction (or lack thereof) that survey-takers have regarding their experiences at UIS.

If students feel as if there are any tensions here on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, disability status, political beliefs, religion, or any other grounds, Chancellor Koch advises that they make their voices heard by participating:

“The University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) is conducting an online survey examining the campus climate towards various diversity issues…If you decide to participate in this study you will be asked a series of questions about your attitudes, behaviors, and experiences at UIS…Your participation in this research is voluntary. There are no negative consequences and your standing at UIS will not be affected if you choose not to participate. You may withdraw from participation at any time during the survey and if at any point you decide not to answer a question, you may move on to the next question.”

Participants must be at least 18 years of age and “not currently residing in the European Economic Area governed by the General Data Protection Regulations.

According to Chancellor Koch, students and employees who participate in this survey will not be able to be identified, and the information will be used for research purposes. For questions regarding respondent rights in this survey, contact Dr. Keenan Dungey at (217)-206-8112. For research inquiries, contact Dr. Kay McChesney, Associate Professor of Social Work, at (217)-206-8363 or kmcch2@