Making the Most of a Sheltered Summer

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With Illinois projected to have a late peak in coronavirus cases sometime in May, many Illinoisans are left wondering how they will be able to have a good summer in spite of the impending on-and-off restrictions. Even though that Florida vacation or Chicago concert may not be feasible until there is a widely distributed vaccine, here are some ways to have an enjoyable summer anyway: 

Spend time outside. The weather is improving quickly and there are multiple ways to avoid cabin fever without getting an actual fever. Go for a hike, play sports in the backyard, tan on the deck or have a water balloon fight with the kids. The important thing is to get out and enjoy nature before the bitter Midwestern cold strikes again in the fall. 

Pick up a new hobby or activity. Extra free time can be a great opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Thinking about getting in shape or learning another language? Now is the perfect time to do so. 

Try out a daring new look. A lot of people are using the shelter-in-place as an opportunity to switch up appearances for fun. Trying out a new hair color or cut, piercing, style of dress or other mode of expression without having to deal with stares from old ladies in public could be a refreshing change of pace. 

Go on a (safe) road trip. If the restrictions are lifted by the time summer rolls around, going on a road trip is a good way to travel without the high risk of infection that being packed onto a train or plane may pose. Use good judgement to determine when it is safe to do so. 

Hang out with some friends. Some of the best summer memories can be made just by spending time with close friends. Have a bonfire, put on some music and catch up while kicking back under a sky full of stars. However, be sure to prioritize your safety when gathering in groups.  

Having a good summer in the face of such a devastating crisis may seem difficult, but it is certainly possible. Get creative – see how you can laugh in the face of coronavirus and still make 2020 your year.