Mystery Movie Mondays
The Legacy Theater in Springfield is currently screening a series of movies on the first Monday of every month from now through May. The focus of the series is on providing audience members a unique viewing experience by concealing the title of the movies being shown until the screening begins. The series is being curated by UIS faculty member Andy Egizi, and it promises a viewing experience from myriad genres and time periods.
Started by the owner of Legacy Scott Richardson, along with UIS political science professor Dr. Matthew Holden Jr. and Egizi, the goal of the series is to provide movie buffs a unique, fun viewing experience that connects them with other individuals that share their passion.
“Our goal is to pick a movie that audiences will enjoy, that they hopefully have never watched before,” said Egizi. “If we succeed, then they leave the theater excited to return next month. And they have a really cool movie they can recommend to their friends.”The series also provides interesting historical content and chance for discussion.
Before the viewing begins, Egizi gives a spoiler-free introduction related to the film that provides an excellent learning experience for film buffs. After the film, audience members can pitch questions to Egizi and hang around for a free discussion.
While the series does offer films from multiple genres, more squeamish audience members will not have to worry about being sucker-punched by unexpected horror content (although Egizi does hope to eventually introduce a horror movie night for fans eventually).
For those looking to join the audience, the series sells movie passes for $40. The pass includes five movies plus a bonus film and grants pass-holders free popcorn. The passes for this season are currently not being sold, but UIS students can purchase tickets for the next show on March 4. The cost will be $10, but make sure you bring your UIS ID. Shows start at 7 pm., and doors opening an hour prior to the event. For more information, visit https://www.atthelegacy. com/ or visit the Legacy Theatre on Facebook. If you are interested in further studying film Egizi teaches the class “The Studio Age: Our Hollywood Heritage”(LIS 101). The class counts as a freshman seminar and humanities credit.