Eat this, not that

Simple swaps for a healthier 2014

A healthy choice

Photograph courtesy of Andreas Krappweis

A healthy choice

There is no reason to torture yourself with daunting and expensive diet crazes. Simple swap outs in your everyday food choices can lead to a healthier 2014.

Kristin Obert, Assistant Director of Fitness and Wellness at UIS says, “Diets won’t work long-term because there is a designated end point. A change in lifestyle is the only lasting practice in healthy living.”

Changing a lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult either, it can be as easy as switching out a similar product for another. These alternatives are not only healthier but oftentimes can even taste better than their traditional counterparts.


Replace whole milk for skim milk or Greek yogurt.

Dairy is necessary for maintaining bone health and is a great source of calcium. 1 cup of skim milk contains 90 calories opposed to 145 calories for 1 cup of whole milk, according to BBC News.

Similarly, yogurt provides the same essential nutrients as milk. Greek yogurt can act as a complete breakfast or a filling low calorie snack. On top of this, it is loaded with nearly double the amount of protein found in milk and regular yogurt.

Replace fruit juices for whole fruit.

One whole orange can save you up to 150 calories opposed to a single glass of orange juice. So, skip the sugary fruit juices and go for a handful of grapes or a cup of fresh fruit. Cutting out added sugars in juice was proven to “reduce risk for diabetes by 23 percent,” according to Harvard University. In addition to this, whole fruits contain fiber – much of which is removed in processed fruit juices.


Replace white pasta, bread and rice for whole wheat grains.

Changing your outlook on whole grains versus refined grains can be difficult to get used to. So, try swapping out your bread choices first, from white to whole grain wheat bread. Whole grains are loaded with nutrients and fiber and cutting out all grains can be detrimental to your brain health. Keep this in mind when making the switch and try to stick to healthy grains for a sharp and happy brain and body.


Replace red meat intake for eggs and chicken.

Eggs and chicken offer the same amount of protein and are significantly better for your overall health when compared  to red meat. Red meat, such as steak and ground beef, contain high levels of salt and contain carcinogens, increasing your risk for cancer.

Feeling a lack of variety? Both chicken and eggs have an array of good-for-you meal options. From seasoned to lightly breaded, grilled and sautéed, or why not try an omelet or quiche?  Your options are limitless.


Replace a bag of chips for granola or trail mix.

The calories and fat in one bag of potato chips won’t do anything for you nutritionally. However, getting healthy fats from granola and trail mix will make for a lighter and more active you when done right. One portion of granola or trail mix provides healthy carbohydrates and protein from oats, nuts and dried fruit. And if you dare to spice it up, chocolate pieces make for an indulgent bite.

Taking advantage of these easy replacements in your daily routine will make for a healthier lifestyle and 2014 – without the confusion and commitment of a diet.