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Player Profile: Carin Fearing

If you are ever near Kiwanis Stadium on a game night, you might want to stop by and watch. And while you are there you might notice one of the first substitutions for the UIS Prairie Stars is number 4, her name is Carin Fearing.
Fearing comes to UIS from Elk Grove Village, Il. which is in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. She is a nineteen year old sophomore in the Capital Area Scholars Program (CAP) majoring in Pre-med Biology.
Fearing started playing soccer when she was three years old and has loved it ever since. While in high school she played for three different club programs. Her freshman and sophomore she played for Sockers F.C. Then her junior year she played for Chicago Fire Juniors because her coach had transferred there so her whole team went there as well.
Then her senior year of high school she changed teams again to play for ELA Elite because her team was falling apart and she felt that she needed to change teams. Fearing also played on her high school team as well. While in high school she was a varsity captain for three seasons, her junior year she made all-conference, and she helped her team advance to the regional championship her senior year.
When deciding on what college to attend, women’s soccer coach, Pete Kowall, worked on recruiting her to play. She decided come down and visit UIS. While she was here she met the team and thought “they were cool”, she also liked the academics at UIS and thought that it was a perfect fit for her.

Fearing likes playing at UIS because she likes how challenging the competition is. “My teammates at practice are constantly challenging each other and making each other better, and the teams we are playing are really good teams. It’s really fun to be challenged and to have to earn every point in the game.”
Fearing plays in the forward position for the Prairie Stars where in the 2011 season she played in 10 matches and had her first career shot against Northern Kentucky. This season Fearing has scored 2 goals both against Missouri S&T, and has 5 shots on goal (SOG). She has also played in every game this season but still has not started a game yet.
One of Fearing’s favorite memories of playing soccer was one game where she scored two goals. Her second goal is what makes this one game her favorite memory. Her team was defending a corner kick when she got the ball and began the counter attack. After receiving the ball she turned and realized that the goalie had come too far out of the box and was racing back to the goal when Fearing shot the ball. She was around the half field when she took the shot, and the ball went up and over the goalie’s head and found its way into the back of the net.

When asked about Fearing, Kowall said “she has a lot of potential, she can rush things a bit but she can score goals.” Fellow teammate Rachel Neudahl also commented “she is probably one of the sweetest girls on the team, she is really nice, and she is really modest. She is a fierce player, but you wouldn’t expect that if you didn’t know her.”

After college Fearing wants to go to medical school studying to become a doctor or do something in the medical field. She does not know where she wants to go for med school, but she is looking.

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