At this point, it is fairly evident that college can induce some severe levels of stress. As some may know from experience, there is an endless list of factors that can play into stress as it relates to being in college. From reading for five different classes a night to not getting enough sleep, stress is common for college students and not properly acknowledging this stress, or simply ignoring it, can lead to a winding path of further complications. In efforts to avoid this, it is best to remain balanced and manage stress accordingly. Fortunately for UIS students, there are a number of resources here on campus to help cope with stress in a ways that would be most beneficial.

If one finds that the best way to ease his or her levels of stress is to be in a calming environment, participating in yoga located in The Recreation and Athletic Center (TRAC) may be the best option. Studies have shown that yoga has a plethora of benefits as it relates to minimizing stress. Yoga is shown to help with clearing the mind and relaxation. If this sounds like something that may interest you as a way to relieve stress, yoga takes place in TRAC every Wednesday from 6:00 to 6:50 p.m.

If one is the type of person who likes to speak about his or her stress with others, visiting the counseling center located in the Human Resources Building (HRB) can be a beneficial stress reliever. As this resource comes free of charge, speaking to someone in the counseling center can help work out some of the kinks of your stress while also lifting it off of one’s shoulders. It is much better to speak to someone about the problems one faces rather than bottling them up. Taking advantage of this resource and utilizing it to manage stress can be a great way of avoiding contemporary stress, while also finding ways to manage any future stress.

While classes can become anxiety inducing, do not let them be completely overwhelming. There are many ways to relieve stress on campus. Be sure to use nearby resources that will lead to a much better, healthier self.