Amazon’s Greatest Facade


As this may or may not be evident to some, Amazon is one of the world’s largest online stores in the realm of e-commerce today. In its peak of success, Amazon has raked in billions of dollars from millions of customers, simply through the click of a button. Amazon, in all its glory, is often a one-stop-shop for a number of people.

Though at times it can be overwhelming, Amazon has quite literally anything one can think of purchasing. With items like a twelve pack of toothbrushes to the textbooks that students have barely opened this semester, Amazon makes online shopping simple with its wide-ranging stock of items.

The simplicity of its platform layout and the plethora of product choices have been the true determinant of Amazon’s wide success. If you are at all familiar with Amazon, they are notable for their Prime membership. With the Prime membership, members are given the incentive of two-day shipping, which is great considering how long it normally takes for packages to be received. People, myself included, enjoy the efficiency of Amazon. When efficiency comes at the click of a button, well, there is destined to be some success in the process.

Nevertheless, as Amazon has amassed heaps of commercial success and a substantial amount of monetary gain, the company has also been exposed to a world of hysteria and turmoil. While founder Jeff Bezos receives multi-million-dollar paychecks by the hour, those that are employed by his very company receive the penniless scraps of the profit. Not only are Amazon workers reimbursed with lacking paychecks, but they have also been highly susceptible to near inhumane working conditions. These working conditions are strenuous, conditions that would make anyone hesitant to clock in on a daily basis. These daily work activities are taxing to one’s body and mental health. As a multi-billion dollar company, these working conditions are highly questionable. Because Amazon has a net worth of a billion dollars, it only emphasizes the fact that there should be better protocols as it pertains to their workers and their well-being.

Rather than directly dealing with the issue at hand, Amazon has decided to conduct damage control in the strangest way possible: by broadcasting misinformation. During the recent summer, there was an abundance of “Amazon employee” Twitter accounts oddly raving about how great of a place Amazon is to work and how they wouldn’t trade working in these facilities for anything. Later, it was discovered that the accounts were, in fact, bots implemented by Amazon to deflect from the situation. Simultaneously, there have been commercials on TV proclaiming how Amazon is a nice workplace, encouraging people to apply.

Until Amazon is capable of changing the dynamic of its workplace, workers should continue to speak out about how they are being wronged. It is the only way to hopefully incite true change.