Visual Arts Gallery: Kevin Veara

Miasma #38 (2013) acrylic painting by Kevin Veara on display at HSB Visual Arts Gallery

Photograph courtesy of Brittany Henderson

Miasma #38 (2013) acrylic painting by Kevin Veara on display at HSB Visual Arts Gallery

Springfield local Kevin Veara has the opportunity to showcase his art to UIS students, faculty, and fellow community members throughout the month of February thanks to the UIS Visual Arts Gallery.

Upon entering the gallery, one is automatically struck by the colorful and playful images that set off the white walls.

According to Veara, he has been interested in art for quite a long time. He began drawing when he was five years old and majored in art during his college career.

The focus of Veara’s paintings is birds with nature surrounding them. He aimed to depict different birds and aspects of the environment in a more mystical way.

“Forever and ever I had been trying to find a subject matter,” said Veara. “I wanted to paint, but I didn’t know what I wanted to pursue.”

After speaking with a friend, he decided that he would focus on something that he has always been interested in: birds and the environment.

He described his work as not being “photorealist,” but instead as “magic realism.” The different plants and environmental aspects are made up. However, the birds are not. They are based off of real species, but he adds his own twist in order to really make the painting pop.

“I find Kevin’s work to be engaging,” said Brytton Bjorngaard, assistant professor of visual arts. “He takes his subject matter that is often scientific or hyper realistic in representation, and instead, plays with the flatness that the canvas provides.”

The gallery features 15 paintings of a variety of different subjects. Veara stated that considering he paints quite a lot, it can be hard for a certain piece to stand out to him. However, Americana #2, which features an Eskimo Curlew, was one of his favorites within this collection.

According to the Visual Arts Gallery’s webpage, Veara’s “studio is surrounded by forest that is home to a myriad of avian species.” This provides him with the perfect inspiration needed to produce his artwork.

Veara’s artistic abilities are not only seen in the form of col- orful paintings hanging on the walls, but also in the form of tat- toos. He is the owner of Black Moon Tattoos, located in Springfield.

Veara’s work was also seen at the silent auction benefit that took place back in December of last year at UIS and in other galleries around the United States.

The exhibit has been on display for individuals since Jan. 27 and will be until Feb. 27 in the Visual Arts Gallery, HSB 201. Their hours are Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.