Letter-to-the-editor by Josh Lawson

Photograph courtesy of Tiffany Chin

UIS Observer Staff

Dearest Student Body,

I have been honored to serve as your SGA President this year. We have taken many positive steps for our campus; but now its time for a new group of student leaders to take the reigns. On April 13th-14th our campus will have the opportunity to elect a whole new SGA. There are several great candidates on the ballot this year but there’s one in particular that stands out.

Nathan Hoffman is running to be our next Student Trustee and there is perhaps no one more experienced and prepared to fight for UIS on the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Nathan has served as a member of SGA this year as a Senator and his leadership on SGA is one of the reasons I asked him to represent the Public Affairs and Administration students on the search committee for their new Dean.

The role of the Student Trustee is not only to represent UIS students, but it’s also to be an ambassador on campus and in the community and Nathan is unrivaled in this regard.

He works for the United States House of Representatives now but has spent time working in the State Senate, the State Treasurer’s office as well as being a registered lobbyist for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. His connections to the Capital and to Springfield City Hall will provide a unique partnership. He’s established in the community, serving as the Community VP for the Springfield Jaycees and on the Board of Directors of the Springfield Public Schools Foundation. Nathan’s a well-respected voice throughout the community.

There are some truly great candidates running and I wish them all the best but when it comes to the Student Trustee’s race, there’s no one better prepared and experienced than Nathan Hoffman and that’s why I endorse him.

Best regards,

Josh Lawson

SGA President