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UIS Cares helps students with food and supplies

UIS Cares helps students with food and supplies

College is challenging. It is even more difficult when students struggle with basic needs. Family support, student loan debt, demographic background, and other financial obligations can all negatively impact students’ ability to access adequate food and school supplies. UIS Cares is a program offered by the Department of Student Affairs that provides the Stars Food Pantry and School Supply Shop which is designed to support UIS students in need.

Food insecurity among college students can impact performance and quality of life. According to the peer-review journal Health Affairs, food insecurity among college students can lead to lower GPAs, lower completion rates, and increased risk of depression. Additionally, food insecure students resort to cheaper processed foods that are less healthy. Reliance on these kinds of foods can compound health problems.

The American Society of Nutrition indicates nearly 41 percent of students have been impacted by food insecurity at some point. The Stars Food Pantry hopes to alleviate that burden. Although it doesn’t replace the grocery store or student union dining, it does provide a helping hand in a time of need. The program is funded by donations from community members, alumni, faculty, and staff. It is not supported by student fees, tuition or the university budget.

The Stars Food Pantry is available in the Human Resources Building. In order to utilize the pantry, students must attend a walk-in orientation session and visit UIS Cares Pantry during scheduled hours once per week. During the 30-minute orientation, students receive guidance on how to utilize the pantry. The next opportunity is Sept. 10 at 3pm.

UIS Cares also offers the School Supply Shop located in the Student Union. Essentials such as pens, paper, and pencils are offered free of charge behind the welcome desk.

If you are interested in supporting UIS Cares, there are donation bins located across the campus. Breakfast bars, ready-to-go meals, and PB&J are some of the most requested items. Monetary donations can be made through the UIS Office of Advancement. Together we can help make UIS a more vibrant and welcoming campus by supporting those in need and improving the health and wellbeing of our fellow students.

Nikolaus, Cassandra J et al. “Food Insecurity among College Students in the United States: A Scoping Review.” Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) vol. 11,2 (2020): 327-348. doi:10.1093/advances/nmz111.
      McCoy, Maureen, et al. “Food Insecurity On College Campuses: The Invisible Epidemic”, Health Affairs Forefront,(2022). DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20220127.264905.
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