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UIS Mental Health Night promotes wellness and connection

UIS Mental Health Night promotes wellness and connection

The University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) hosted a vibrant and supportive Mental Health Night on Thursday, August 29th, designed to help students unwind after their first week of classes. The event, organized collaboratively by UIS Active Minds and the Counseling Center, provided an array of stress-relief activities and resources to foster mental well-being on campus.

Held in the Learning Resources Hub (LRH), Mental Health Night featured a variety of engaging activities including bracelet-making, stress ball crafting, sleep mask creation, and coloring a giant mandala poster. Attendees also enjoyed snacks and cookies while taking part in these hands-on activities. Bethany Bilyeu from the Counseling Center was on hand to answer questions and offer valuable resources to students.

Active Minds, a national campus organization dedicated to mental health advocacy, played a central role in the event. The organization focuses on building a supportive community around mental health and encouraging open dialogue among students. With chapters across the country, Active Minds aims to empower young adults to address mental health issues and seek help when needed.

The UIS Counseling Center, which provides free counseling and mental health services to on-campus students, was also a key contributor to the event. Services offered by the Counseling Center include consultations, workshops, training, suicide education, trauma support, stress reduction, relationship guidance, and addiction help.

Kimberly Cuevas Martin, a peer tutor and co-president of Active Minds, emphasized the importance of these resources, stating, “For students adjusting to a new school year and managing their workload, counseling and the Learning HUB are excellent resources. The Learning HUB can assist with organizing your schedule to help you stay on track.”

Students are encouraged to take advantage of these resources by calling, emailing, or scheduling an appointment online with the Counseling Center.

The significant turnout at Mental Health Night underscores the UIS community’s commitment to mental health and well-being.

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