The Fine Line Between Technology and Immorality

Despite this being one of the most overly recited statements regarding technology, its use is one of the most significantly immersive developments humanity has yet to be exposed to. There is not a second that goes by where people do not interact with technology in some form. It has been integrated into everyday life patterns and, quite simply put, makes life a lot simpler.

With technology playing a role in almost all of life’s daily routines, it has substantially increased efficiency and cuts the amount of time being spent on minuscule tasks. Technology poses as a beneficiary in many life instances: work affairs, school affairs, and, again, mere everyday tasks.

However, while technology brings a numerous amount of perks, they often come at one’s own expense. Technology is not limited to the phone in one’s pocket, as it is also one of the most predominantly used resources to efficiently conduct business within many companies and organizations. These organizations have grown to understand just how important of a role it plays not only in conducting business, but in saving money and turning bigger profits. Simultaneously, companies understand that humans are prone to make mistakes. Since time is money, technology is a simple solution to conduct business smoothly without the hindrances of human error.

At the same time, using digital resources as a substitute for hiring people saves a lot of money that would be responsible for paying these people. This process is made a lot simpler with advancements in technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic computing. For instance, America’s largest employer, Walmart, has been a proven advocate of using these advancements as many of its stores contain a plethora of self-checkout machines. These hinder many human workers in a chance of employment. Nonetheless, Walmart is not alone in adapting to this change, as many stores have followed suit in establishing several forms of self-checkout systems that replace physical workers. In this aspect, technology can be detrimental to the unification of both human and digital interaction within the workplace. Technology has weakened the currency, of human employees in a number of work environments. Often in workplaces where technology proves to be the leading employee, human presence is extremely limited in any business conducted.

During the latter half of its expansion, technology has raised a number of questions concerning the ethical standpoint behind its dominating implementation in many workplaces. Evidently, a lot of the concerns revolve around whether or not it is morally sound for companies to completely eradicate the human presence in their workspaces. These questions of ethical implications also present valid concerns on how the utilization of technological advancements may cause a negative chain reaction for the working class. From a utilitarian standpoint of ethics, this change does not serve the greater good for everyone involved. It only benefits the companies.