UIS students host event discussing problems first year students face


UIS Observer Staff, Editor-in-Chief

On Friday, Feb. 26, a group of approximately twenty individuals met in the Student Affairs Building to discuss different roadblocks first year students may encounter and what strategies to utilize in order to overcome them.

Kylah Foster Griffin, a sophomore global studies major and student orientation leader, helped organize the event, where she stressed the importance of studying in order to maintain a high grade point average (GPA).

“The more you study, the higher [GPA] you will be able to get,” Griffin said.

Griffin also stressed the importance of a support system in order to counter any worries a student may encounter.

“I just wanted to host an event for freshmen so that they can come and talk about whatever issues they may have and so they know they have a support system here on campus.”

In addition to Griffin, UIS students Christina Sanchez and Faith Edwards also organized the event.

“We talked about what struggles we may have had freshmen year and how we overcame them,” Griffin said.

The event, which included food such as pizza, was sponsored by the Office of New Student Orientation and Parent Relations.