Behind the Scenes at UIS: Amy Zepp, audience development coordinator

UIS Observer Staff, Staff Writer

Amy Zepp has the job of “connecting with people, and trying to build the diversity of our audience.” Her official title is audience development coordinator for Sangamon Auditorium. “It’s really cool when students get really excited and passionate about something,” Zepp stated, “and having a little part in inspiring in some creative thinking or a new way of looking at something. It’s very fulfilling to think that what we do here plays a small part in that.”

Nine years ago, Zepp started as a graduate assistant in Sangamon Auditorium, while gaining her master’s in Public Administration and a certification in Non-Profit Management.

Once she finished her master’s degree, she moved to an hourly position with the auditorium for three years before advancing to her current salary position.

Her current position, Zepp says, is a great match for her. “…It was what I was wanting for a career.”

Zepp’s job holds many aspects to it. “What I find really exciting about it is that every show is different. When you’re selling products you have the same marketing plan, you can change it up, but basically you’re selling the same thing.

“For us,” she continued, “we’re selling a different product every week … so for each of those we try to find the people who might be interested in them and how we can connect with them.

For the past two years, Sangamon Auditorium has been attempting to educate UIS students through free student tickets or reduced prices for students.

“What I do most of the time is education and connecting with community groups,” Zepp said. The education portion is not just for UIS, but for the larger Springfield community, as well, including “the preschool through high school education,” as well as adult audiences.

The free shows left for this semester includes: “Elvin Bishop & Charlie Musselwhite,” “The Havana Cuba All-Stars Perform Cuban Nights,” “Breath & Hammer: Krakauer-Tagg Duo,” and “Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.”

“Vocalosity” is the one reduced price show left this semester, and will be performed on Oct.19 at 9:30pm.

Zepp stated that, “We’ve been putting more of an emphasis of really connecting with those on campus.” One way this connection is being attempted is through the student lounge on the fifth floor of the Public Affairs Building in tower two, also known as house left.

Zepp describes the area as a “hang out lounge space that doesn’t get used very often,” so they decided to change that. The lounge is open before the show, after the show, and during intermission of most of the events that Sangamon Auditorium hosts.

Many are not aware that Sangamon Auditorium is part of academic affairs. Zepp mentioned that they have an “educational mission to bring in cultural events, do stuff that’s good for UIS and good for the greater Springfield community too.”

“It’s kind of interesting,” she said, “and we’re not just about events that make money.”