Created by Vivienne Medrano, Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated musical comedy series which has received mixed reviews since its pilot episode aired in 2019. The series follows the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar, as she seeks to find a way for sinners to be redeemed in hopes that they can enter Heaven. This is due to how a yearly extermination occurs, due to Hell’s overpopulation issues needing resolved. Charlie’s goal is to find a peaceful resolution instead of the annual purge, though there’s no confirmation that redeeming sinners will ultimately work.
Voice actors such as Erika Henningsen (Charlie), Alex Brightman (Adam), Keith David Williams (Husk) and Stephanie Beatriz (Vaggie) helped bring the animated characters to life. The pilot episode, released in 2019 on YouTube, introduced the main characters of the series, while the newly released Season one expands the Hazbin Hotel universe, alongside characters from Vivienne’s other popular series, Helluva Boss, which exists in the same universe. Both shows exhibit adult content, from adult-themed jokes and animated violence, which can be confusing with the animated art style and musical numbers. An estimated 130 curse words appear in the first four episodes alone, with even angelic characters cursing and condoning violence.
The first episode of the series, “Overture,” shows Charlie proposing her idea of rehabilitating sinners to Adam, the first man, in the Embassy of Heaven. One song which stands alone well from Overture, is “Hell Is Forever” featuring Adam rocking out on a guitar. While heavenly icons such as Adam exist in the universe, larger players such as Lucifer, being a fallen angel, as well as the seven deadly sins, are background protagonists and antagonists. Additional characters called “overlords” exist within the universe and create further conflicts through their differing beliefs regarding power dynamics based around the sins which landed them in Hell. One of these characters, Alastor, poses a threat to multiple other overlord characters, though his interest in assisting Charlie with the hotel is transparent; he finds her idea idiotic and amusing.
Resource Links-
Hazbin Hotel Season 1 – watch full episodes streaming online (
Hell is Forever Sing-Along | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video (